
Album Review: Our Vicious Cycle

Our Vicious Cycle BannerSo it isn’t everyday I do an album review but when you have an album as deep and unorthodox as this, you just have to sit down and write it. Shaun Mason fronts the NJ band “Seas of Wake” who already have made a reputation for themselves with the bands they have opened for such as All That Remains, Wilson, Slipknot, Slayer, As I Lay Dying, Between the Buried and Me, White Chapel, Job For a Cowboy, Veil of Maya, The Red Chord and many more. If you haven’t heard Seas of Wake then you are WAY BEHIND SCHEDULE. But, this isn’t about them. This solo project that Shaun has began took my interest when he debuted the music video for his single “Alone” off the album “Our Vicious Cycle.” Easily compelled by this artist’s musicianship and reputation, I obviously did not say no to enter the universe of this album.

With 10 tracks in total, comprised of eight actual songs and two instrumental (“The Portal” and “Flight”), this well rounded album mixes Mr. Masons unorthodox style to a musical fitting I have never heard before. I say unorthodox, because his vocal range and emotional pretenses strike such extremities with all of his might or all of his weaknesses. He has the ability to be melodic while at times, simultaneously adding quick verse reciting without skipping beats or losing breath. The Album was recorded by Louie Bravo at BoxerBeats Studios while the mix & Mastering was overtaken by Kevin Antreassian (Dillinger Escape Plan) at Backroom Studio’s. The top notch production values really bring out the emotional premises’ Mr. Mason conveys in ALL of his songs. You get pulled in with the first song easily to a point where I have to replay the album continuously. I know I have and I am sure I won’t be the only one. My favorite songs on the album are Alone, Erased, Waiting to feel, Horizons and My Infinity. The Instrumental tracks add a special tie to the atmosphere that album attempts to delve into. It almost reminds me of the band Starset with their album “Transmissions” just because every song had an instrumental piece attached to the end of the track that just kept the flow fresh. Compelling realism is this album in a nutshell and I do not skip a track on that album at all so that should clearly inform you how I treat this album.

Shaun Mason has delivered the goods with a product of high caliber that delivers composition and a continuously flow of emotion of which I have rarely seen in a solo artist. The man has it all, full band or all alone, he is the definition of Tour DE Force that beckons you to realize his musical prowess. Shaun Mason’s album is available for purchase down in the links below and you can also check out the music for “Alone” also included with this review by Director Jesse Conti.

This earns a 9 out of 10 in my book. He earns a new level of respect in my book with this compelling, atmospheric album that shows the dynamic ranges and emotional context that you just won’t stop listening to.

Our Vicious Cycle
Our Vicious Cycle is available for purchase by clicking on the links below:
Physicals can be purchased at Big Cartel
Downloads available at: Itunes
Buy from Amazon: Amazon


Music Video for the single “Alone” watch here:

Catch you rockers on the flip side!


Derek Soto

The court Jester and The Renaissance Man rolled up into ONE. My life has been about music, and the pursuit of experiencing culture by learning the multi-faceted lives of roles throughout Music and Entertainment. Spanning 10 years as a Photographer, Interviewer, and Videographer, the best education you can ever find is the one you make of your own accord. My life is all here, I hope you enjoy the rollercoaster.